Friday, 24 May 2019

Choose the Best Oncologist in India to Make Cancer Treatment Highly Effective

Cancer is a chronic disease that needs to be treated at an early stage. The number of cancer patients is increasing fast nowadays. Several reasons including sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and hereditary factors are contributing immensely towards making people highly vulnerable to cancer. If a patient is detected with cancer, immediate and suitable treatment needs to be taken to ensure fast recovery. Cancer is a life-threatening disease, but the emergence of advanced treatment methods has made this disease a curable one. Hence it is very crucial to find the best oncologist having high amount of experience. People are searching for the best cancer treatment in India nowadays, as India being the perfect destination for patients from neighboring countries like Bangladesh, UAE and developing countries like Africa If you are one among them, you need to choose a highly reputed clinic that offers the services with accomplished oncologists to ensure speedy recovery. One such renowned cancer specialist is Dr Sandeep Nayak, the best oncologist in India known for his expertise in surgical oncology especially for advance minimally invasive cancer surgeries, is the only one across India to perform complex robotic surgeries to treat cancer.

How can you distinguish an eminent oncologist from a substandard one?
If you can find the best oncologist in India, you can make your cancer treatment 100% result oriented. First of all, you need to look at the doctor’s qualifications and experience. Eminent doctors specialize in surgical oncology and they may also have fellowships in advance surgery options like laparoscopic and robotic surgical oncology. In addition to possessing all these qualifications, they keep on working relentlessly to gain expertise in their field. It is always advisable to choose an experienced oncologist with a perfect track record. Accomplished professionals have years & years of experience in performing traditional open cancer surgeries and minimally invasive cancer surgeries, usually specializing in treating a particular type of Cancer. You need to realize the fact that there are around 200 types of cancers. Each one needs to be treated exactly according to the nature of the disease. The existing health of the patient must also be taken into consideration prior to choosing a particular line of treatment. Skilled and experienced oncologists know how to perform these tasks and they stay committed to ensure speedy and long lasting recovery.

Learn about most advanced cancer treatment options
Robotic and laparoscopic onco-surgery is advanced type of cancer treatment, which is now also available in India. Other popular versions include organ-preserving onco surgery, MIND and RABIT surgery as well. When it comes to open traditional surgery, the doctor makes a big incision or cut. Advanced forms of minimally invasive cancer surgeries are performed by making a small incision using an endoscopic instrument to access the cancer affected organ. Invasive surgeries like robotic or laparoscopic surgery invite only minimal pain and the post-surgery side effects also stay at minimal levels. The surgeon chooses the most suitable surgical option based on a number of factors and they include cancer type, location and size of tumor, cancer phase, treatment objectives, general health and preferences of the patient and the experts and facilities available.

Do you want to identify the best surgical oncologist in Bangalore then click here.  MACS one of its kind cancer specialty clinic in Bangalore. Dr. Nayak possesses the most advanced qualifications and is an expert at performing all types of advanced surgeries. His track record speaks volumes about the expertise and skills. He has also won many awards and honors for his commendable achievements and contributions in oncology care. 
  • ‘Global Excellence Award’ at International Conference on Innovations in Biotech and Medicine, Oct 2013 held at Bangalore, India
  • “Pampanagowda Video Award” for Minimally Invasive Neck Dissection (MIND) video at Karnataka State Chapter of ASI, February 2016 held at Shivamogga.
  • “Best Video Award” for Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection video at Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS), April 2016 held at New Delhi.
  • “Competitive Video Award For Youngsters” 2nd prize for Modified Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy (VEIL) at NATCON-IASO, September 2015 held at Bhuvaneshwar, India.
  • Indian Council for Medical Research grant for the post-doctoral dissertation financial grant from 2007 to 2010 awarded for potentially significant scientific work. Only 50 theses are selected for such a grant per year from all over India.
  • Editor for ‘AFP News’ for year 2001-02, periodical journal published by World Health Organisation (WHO) for National Polio Surveillance Project (NPSP), India, to assist in the process of Polio surveillance.
Along with the above awards, he is also member of many associations. Some of the associations of which Dr Sandeep Nayak is a part of are
  1. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  2. Association of Surgeons of India
  3. American Society of Clinical Oncology
  4. Society of Surgical Oncology
Dr Sandeep Nayak is one of the few surgical oncologist who has earned fellowships in the latest technology of laparoscopic and robotics.
He treats many types of cancer like.
  1. Breast
  2. Stomach
  3. Liver
  4. Esophagus
  5. Pancreas
  6. Uterus etc.
Dr Nayak and his team have successfully carried out more than 100 surgeries using the advanced technique of laparoscopy and robotics surgery. Minimally invasive surgery has been chosen by many patients for opting cancer treatments. He suggests his patient to go for this treatment as it is a minimally invasive surgery and also it is less painful. Robotics and laparoscopy is a very useful surgery as it removes the tumor by making minimal incisions.
After reading the above information, you will be convinced to choose Dr Nayak if you or your loved ones are suffering from any type of cancer.

For More Info:-  best oncologist in Bangalore

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Suffering From Thyroid Cancer: Here Are The Best Treatment Options

A small butterfly-shaped gland is found inside the lower front of your neck that is known as thyroid. It controls metabolism and releases some essential hormones that regulate body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Causes of thyroid cancer:

Well, there is no fixed cause of this issue, but sometimes thyroid cells mutate or change and cause thyroid cancer. It can be the reason for an inherited abnormal gene. Iodine deficiency and radiation exposure may also trigger thyroid cancer signs.

Who are at risk of thyroid cancer?

This is quite common in women as compared to males.

Early signs and symptoms:

·         Trouble breathing and swallowing
·         Some sort of voice changes
·         Pain and swelling in the neck
·         Lymph nodes in the neck
·         cough

Is thyroid cancer treatable?

If you notice above mentioned signs, then you need to see a doctor.  This is treatable, and you need not worry about anything.  Catching it early allows for finding many options for Cancer Treatment in Bangalore. Early thyroid cancer can be found easily when you have CT scans or ultrasound for any of the health issues.

Tests for thyroid cancer:

·         Imaging tests are done to find suspicious areas and determine if the treatment is working or not.
·         An ultrasound test is used to find out if the nodule is filled with blood or it is stable.
·         Radioiodine scans are done to determine whether the lump in the neck is cancerous or not. This is also used to check how far it has spread.
·         Chest X-ray is done to check whether cancer has spread to the lungs or not.
·         CT scan is performed to check the size and location of the thyroid cancer.
·         Some other tests like MRI, PET, Biopsy, and blood tests are done to check the suspicious areas.

Treatment options for thyroid cancer:

·         Surgery:

You need to find out the best oncologist in India to get it treated. Surgery is considered as the primary treatment that involves removing tumor cells. Let’s talk about some different approaches:

Lobectomy:  It involves removing lobe (containing cancer) and isthmus. It is generally used to treat small cancers such as papillary or follicular.  Such tumors do not show any sign of spreading beyond the gland.

Thyroidectomy: The surgery is all about removing all or most of the thyroid gland to prevent the risk of spreading cancer.

·         Targeted Drug Therapy:

It is all about using medications to attack cancerous cells. Some drugs used to treat it include Vandetanib, Sorafenib, and Cabozantinib. This treatment option is used to treat advanced thyroid cancer.

·         Chemotherapy:

Usage of drugs or chemicals to kill the cancerous cells is known as chemotherapy.  This treatment option is not standard in thyroid cancer, but still, it may be beneficial in some cases.

The latest minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat thyroid cancer performed by Dr Sandeep Nayak- RABIT (Robotic Assisted Breast- Axillo Insufflated Thyroidectomy). Dr Sandeep Nayak regarded as the best oncologist in Bangalore is a pioneer in this new technique and amongst a very few surgical oncologists to perform this surgery.

Now day’s robots in one of the latest technology which is used to remove tumour which are located deep inside the body which is difficult to access from the naked eye. The robot helps the doctor to remove the cancerous tumour with minimal scar. This advanced robotic surgery to surgically remove tumour from the thyroid gland is called as Robotic Assisted Breast- Axillo Insufflated Thyroidectomy.

When is RABBIT the preferred surgical method?
  • Best suited for removing less than 4cm sized thyroid tumour.
  • It is considered one of the new types of minimally invasive thyroid cancer surgery.
  • RABBIT cancer treatment is also an effective thyroid cancer treatment for those who have an obesity problem.
  • This treatment can also be performed on those males who face difficulty in endoscopic treatment
  • Robotic Assisted Bilateral Breast Axillo Insufflate Thyroidectomy is also performed on large benign thyroid nodule or follicular neoplasm which is more than 5-8 cm in size.

As RABIT is a latest and advanced form of cancer surgical method, there are more benefits rather than disadvantages. Some of the benefits of this surgery are

           Least amount of pain
           Minimal incisions/ cuts
           Minimal scars
           Least discomfort
           Faster recovery time
           Better results
           Least post-surgery complications
As we have mentioned you the advantage of RABIT surgery which is used for treating the tumour in the thyroid gland. Dr Sandeep Nayak recommends most of his patients who are suffering from thyroid tumour to opt for Robotic Assisted Bilateral Breast Axillo Insufflate Thyroidectomy. This surgery helps the surgeon to have a clear vision and carry out surgery with minimal scars and the patient can recover fast.