Saturday, 4 May 2019

Suffering From Thyroid Cancer: Here Are The Best Treatment Options

A small butterfly-shaped gland is found inside the lower front of your neck that is known as thyroid. It controls metabolism and releases some essential hormones that regulate body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Causes of thyroid cancer:

Well, there is no fixed cause of this issue, but sometimes thyroid cells mutate or change and cause thyroid cancer. It can be the reason for an inherited abnormal gene. Iodine deficiency and radiation exposure may also trigger thyroid cancer signs.

Who are at risk of thyroid cancer?

This is quite common in women as compared to males.

Early signs and symptoms:

·         Trouble breathing and swallowing
·         Some sort of voice changes
·         Pain and swelling in the neck
·         Lymph nodes in the neck
·         cough

Is thyroid cancer treatable?

If you notice above mentioned signs, then you need to see a doctor.  This is treatable, and you need not worry about anything.  Catching it early allows for finding many options for Cancer Treatment in Bangalore. Early thyroid cancer can be found easily when you have CT scans or ultrasound for any of the health issues.

Tests for thyroid cancer:

·         Imaging tests are done to find suspicious areas and determine if the treatment is working or not.
·         An ultrasound test is used to find out if the nodule is filled with blood or it is stable.
·         Radioiodine scans are done to determine whether the lump in the neck is cancerous or not. This is also used to check how far it has spread.
·         Chest X-ray is done to check whether cancer has spread to the lungs or not.
·         CT scan is performed to check the size and location of the thyroid cancer.
·         Some other tests like MRI, PET, Biopsy, and blood tests are done to check the suspicious areas.

Treatment options for thyroid cancer:

·         Surgery:

You need to find out the best oncologist in India to get it treated. Surgery is considered as the primary treatment that involves removing tumor cells. Let’s talk about some different approaches:

Lobectomy:  It involves removing lobe (containing cancer) and isthmus. It is generally used to treat small cancers such as papillary or follicular.  Such tumors do not show any sign of spreading beyond the gland.

Thyroidectomy: The surgery is all about removing all or most of the thyroid gland to prevent the risk of spreading cancer.

·         Targeted Drug Therapy:

It is all about using medications to attack cancerous cells. Some drugs used to treat it include Vandetanib, Sorafenib, and Cabozantinib. This treatment option is used to treat advanced thyroid cancer.

·         Chemotherapy:

Usage of drugs or chemicals to kill the cancerous cells is known as chemotherapy.  This treatment option is not standard in thyroid cancer, but still, it may be beneficial in some cases.

The latest minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat thyroid cancer performed by Dr Sandeep Nayak- RABIT (Robotic Assisted Breast- Axillo Insufflated Thyroidectomy). Dr Sandeep Nayak regarded as the best oncologist in Bangalore is a pioneer in this new technique and amongst a very few surgical oncologists to perform this surgery.

Now day’s robots in one of the latest technology which is used to remove tumour which are located deep inside the body which is difficult to access from the naked eye. The robot helps the doctor to remove the cancerous tumour with minimal scar. This advanced robotic surgery to surgically remove tumour from the thyroid gland is called as Robotic Assisted Breast- Axillo Insufflated Thyroidectomy.

When is RABBIT the preferred surgical method?
  • Best suited for removing less than 4cm sized thyroid tumour.
  • It is considered one of the new types of minimally invasive thyroid cancer surgery.
  • RABBIT cancer treatment is also an effective thyroid cancer treatment for those who have an obesity problem.
  • This treatment can also be performed on those males who face difficulty in endoscopic treatment
  • Robotic Assisted Bilateral Breast Axillo Insufflate Thyroidectomy is also performed on large benign thyroid nodule or follicular neoplasm which is more than 5-8 cm in size.

As RABIT is a latest and advanced form of cancer surgical method, there are more benefits rather than disadvantages. Some of the benefits of this surgery are

           Least amount of pain
           Minimal incisions/ cuts
           Minimal scars
           Least discomfort
           Faster recovery time
           Better results
           Least post-surgery complications
As we have mentioned you the advantage of RABIT surgery which is used for treating the tumour in the thyroid gland. Dr Sandeep Nayak recommends most of his patients who are suffering from thyroid tumour to opt for Robotic Assisted Bilateral Breast Axillo Insufflate Thyroidectomy. This surgery helps the surgeon to have a clear vision and carry out surgery with minimal scars and the patient can recover fast.

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