Monday, 23 September 2019

Keep These Things in Mind While Going To an Oncologist

Acceptance of cancer disease, by the patient and his family members, is an overwhelming and daunting task. Now, one of the biggest concerns for the patient as well his near and dear ones is, whether they have sufficient time for researching about the disease and finalizing an oncologist for treating the same. 

One can research about the type of cancer the patient is suffering from, apart from getting second or third opinions, until and unless the patient is facing urgent symptoms showing the need to visit the specialist at the earliest. After the disease is confirmed, it is now time for finalizing a reliable, experienced and the best cancer specialist in Bangalore, apart from considering the right type of treatment.

However, considering the gravity of the situation, the task of choosing an oncologist is nothing less than a challenge. Given the fact that, it is the matter of life and death for the patient, family members need to proceed with complete care and caution, while finalizing the oncologist and treatment center.
Following are some of the guidelines, considering which, one can arrive at an easy conclusion and take a confirmed decision on selecting the oncologist.

There are high chances that, your family doctor can suggest a good oncologist, thereby saving your troubles and efforts in having to find one. And, since the family physician is completely aware about the medical history of the patient, the oncologist suggested by him will best match the patient’s needs. 

Avoid relying and taking action on treatment of cancer disease based on a single opinion. It is always advisable to go for a second opinion and check whether the second opinion endorses the first one. 

Not every oncologist has the expertise and specialization of treating each and every kind of cancer, a disease which varies from patient to patient. Hence, in order to achieve optimal results from the treatment, opting for a Best Oncologist in India is a wise decision. 

This will benefit the patient by receiving inputs from several cancer specialists like medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, oncology expert nurses and social workers too. The combined efforts of the above mentioned experts will work effectively in determining the best course of treatment plan to be followed for the patient.

While consulting with any oncologist, following are some of the doubts and apprehensions, which the family members of the cancer patient need to clarify.

. Is the oncologist board certified for treating the type of cancer the patient is suffering from?

. Has the oncologist succeeded in treating the specific type of cancer cases in the past?

. Is the oncologist equipped with efficient staff and required machinery?

You might be wondering as to how quickly I can find the best oncologist as cancer has to be treated as soon as it starts to grow. That is the reason, choosing the best oncologist in India and starting treatment as soon as possible is very important. We have made this search easier for you.

The best surgical oncologist in India who treats variety of cancer tumors like breast cancer, liver cancer, mouth cancer etc is a well- known oncologist not only in India but across the world is Dr Sandeep Nayak. He has carried out many surgeries ranging from complex cases to tumours which are not yet spread to other organs. Dr Nayak uses his skill of laparoscopy and robotic to remove tumour which is in the initial stages and can be removed through surgery. The main advantage of this modern surgery is that it is minimally invasive and the patient recovers faster post- surgery.

Dr Sandeep Nayak along with his team of efficient doctors have treated many patients and they have recovered pretty well post surgeries. You can find Dr Sanndeep Nayak in Bangalore. You can have a consultation at Fortis Bangalore where Dr Nayak is the head of surgical oncology and you can also visit Dr Sandeep Nayak at his own well equipped clinic called as MACS clinic.

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